Dance of the Living (2017)
Exhibition Title: Three Individual Minds (?各志)
Venue: Tang's Studio, L505, JCCAC ShekKipMei (鄧氏工作室, L505, 石硤尾賽馬會創意藝術中心)
Date: March 2017
"生者之舞"是由一次旅行中的啟發:我在一間建於1043年的教堂中看到了"亡者之舞",對於畫作十分印象深刻。 因為我平時造的人體三維痕跡印記的作品,所以希望用平面塑材去探索人類的各種不同姿勢,既然是生者,就命名為"生者之舞"。 |
"Dance of the Living" is inspired by a travel: I saw a series of works in a church built in 1043, it is called "Dance of the Dead", I was very impressed. Since I have been making three dimensional imprints of human beings, I hope to explore 2D postures of the living, since they are living, I call them "Dance of the Living" |