Tang Ying Mui


藝術家論述 今年的疫情使我們都盡量不外出,時間多了,也許我們都做了很多事情:
我們都嘗試 zoom 親朋好友嗎?

Artist’s StatementWe all try not to go out so often during this year’s pandemic, and we have more time at home, maybe we have done a lot of things:
Have we slowed down from our hectic lives?
Have we reminisced about the past?
Have we tried to zoom our relatives and friends?
For me, I have revisited the works that I did before: the animals, the imprint of the Ancients, the haze of wars, the disharmony of man and nature, and the condition under Lion Rock etc.
All these have become the cry of the new works.